Welcome 2014! I hope to have as good time during 2014 as I had last year! Many interesting projects are going on and I am enjoying the working process. It is a bit hard to come back after wonderful Christmas holidays with friends and family, everything in busy Stockholm seems to move in double speed :-) But still, it is nice to live in the middle of the Scandinavia where lots of things are happening all the time.
I celebrated 2014 with my family and friends in South Estonia at Varbuse Muusikamõis with playing a concert, partying, hiking, eating and just chilling. My boys played at the concert with me and Villu Talsi on mandolin and got loads of applauses :-) My 6-year old got to try out his new cajón and my 8-year old amazed us with his new bow.
Some pictures from the concert are available here.
In February Estonian Folk Orchestras CD will finally be released and I am really looking forward to it!
We managed to gather 3000 euro at Estonian Kickstarter site Hooandja and now last couple of things has to be done before I can send everything to be printed. Feeling really excited!
Here comes a picture from Tartumaa, South Estonia, taken during our trip to New Years party.