Reval : Pettäsaamislugu - Official Video Out Now!
During the filming of Reval: Pettäsaamislugu music video last summer and autumn, I had the pleasure of working with a talented team who helped bring my vision to life. The song, which draws from my personal experiences, is particularly meaningful to me, and delves into a story of profound betrayal that I and my family have endured. While in the studio, the lyrics flowed naturally in the indigenous Võru language, a tongue that I grew up hearing from my grandparents. The language's calming nature helped me to find solace and composure in even the most challenging moments.
At the heart of the song lies the timeless struggle between good and evil - a theme that I believe many can relate to. It speaks to the difficulties that we all face when confronted with adversity, and the choices we make in response. I am grateful for the opportunity to share this story through my music and hope that it resonates with listeners.
Tulli kavvõlt üle mere kodo manu käümä
üten latsõ' miis ja pilli', kaasa võtsõ kalli
Tahtsõ vahtsõ tarõ tetä' jõõ veere pääle
Vinne miis tulľ õkvalt petmä, ulli muudu võlsma
Kuis tuu lugu edesi lätt, kiäki viil ei tiiä'
mõtli' esä', mõtli' imä', mõtli' sõbra' hüvä'
Kas saa kuri uma palga, uma' vitsa' kätte
Tarõ kambri' kõrda säetü', akna' ette pantu'.
Director & Editor: Velle Tamme
Assistant Director: Nadya Tjuška
3D simulations: Mattias Simson
Project management: Kristel Kolkanen
Hair & make-up: Kaisa Heinla & Erle Taklai
Tuulikki Bartosik: main character
Nadya Tjuška & Elisabeth Tiffany Lepik: ghosts
Music Tuulikki Bartosik & Sander Mölder, lyrics by Tuulikki Bartosik
Performed by Tuulikki Bartosik, additional vocals by Sander Mölder
Produced by Tuulikki Bartosik & Sander Mölder
Mixed & mastered by Siim Mäesalu